a great anime i've play the game on psp its was so cool
hahahah i love that one zan zetsubo sensai sayonara zetsubo sensai funny as hell...
a very cool and funny anime to watch a bite hentai but cool ^^
well its was a good movie but not like bonds but its cool ^^
well another good anime to be watch adventure friendship love a great anime
ahhhh freedonm is so cool ira is so cool his way stronger than shine
p love both season 1 and 2 and am waiting for the movie it will be one of the best...
for mature person but its very funny ^^
very cool anime ^^ ^^ one epi to go and it will be over too bad i love that anime
^^ blood blood anblood but interesting anime to watch but you will need to watch...
i love that one if you want a funny anime no need to search its the one you're looking...
very cool and interesting anime to watch ^^
just like Higurashi no Naku Koro ni i love it that anime
a bloody and interesting anime ,to be watch ^^
a funny and interesting anime ^^ an anime about love
only one thing to say about that anime toooooooooo funny and the way onizuka talk...
i love the twin in there there so cool and funny and i love the sword play in it
hahahaha a good one too the movie is good too ^^
cool one just like fullmetal alchemist if only there was more epi ^^
another funny anime a bite hentai but funny ^^
i love it saber so cute am loking forward to watch the movie ^^
great anime am following it elza so cute ^^
an old one but cool one to watch ^^
a bloody anime i love that but at lease you should be 18 years old to watch it ^^
mmm well its a good anime specially for those who love adventure ,other world anime
another good anime will it continue after epi 103 i hope
i love that anime hope there will be season 2 ^^
a vey good anime to watch but not for children hahahahahaha
that man is very strong but no match for ichigo ^^ that ova is better that mamories...
a great one ^^ as always zaraki is the most funny characters to watch in it ^^
well it was not that great they only remaster the episode where ichigo figth that...
a very very good movie great as the diamond dust rebellion ^^
i love that anime but i don't like its filler hope there won't be another one coming
ahahaha that was a great shot ^^ way too funny
a very funny anime but i don't like the censor in it the one that make that anime...
that was a great anime to watch i wonder if the will make a season 2
it was a great movie for me ^^ i love it very interesting for a first movie