Being that this is one of the new animes that has just come out I thought I check...
The fact that they made these ovas seems like a waste of time to me since I a big...
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I love the fact that I can finally own this anime but, who ever uploaded most of...
For me I was never a sports manga fan but seeing this anime got me thinking i shouldn't...
I was iffy at first to watch this then a buddy of mine nagged me to watch this and...
Just crazy cool how they combine old school demons with todays modern society
Great series if you love sameri, but the fact that they end in a filler was a killer...
Don't get me wrong DBZ is still one of my top ten animes but when they remade it...
I like this series but they had way too many flash backs and fillers, if you skip...
Never have I felt like I needed to be in a guild my whole life, this anime is just...
just because you don't like naruto doesn't mean you have to insualt it, I think its...
At first i thought it was lame since I had no IDEA what was going on but as I watch...
I like the way the story is built but the fact that there's only one episode makes...
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At first I didn't really want to see it but after the first episode I was captured...
Its new, I have never come across an anime like this one I reckomend it to everyone
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Must see for all the people who love a twisted story about a kid on death row
Its just not fair that they would stop showing this anime, just when the series gets...
Never have I experienced an anime thats as long as this to be so epic, I'm not saying...
when I first saw this I only chose it since its in the most popular section since...
I like it its just the story could have actually ended, I also like the let me see...
Its reminds me of Gundam Wing (also awsome) but with a lot more action and the gundams...
The first season was the most amazing thing I had ever seen, I would have never gotten...
What eles can I say its a great anime
I watched all 203 episodes and I read the manga online so I'm hopeing they don't...
I wish it didn't end so early I was hopeing the there would be more crazy people...
Bleach is great series and if you want to know more than where the anime is at now...
I thought this was a big improvement from the first realese, at first I doubted it...