Takes the zombie genre into new waters, though it would be nice to explore the science...
In a world where everyone is trying to make zombies mainstream in horror, it's nice...
This series does start out slowly, but it's gearing up to be a great adaptation....
With the manga not over yet, I'm surprised that this series ended when it did. I...
It's going to be even more action-packed then the last season. Even though we already...
It just needed to come out sooner.
Same thing as what I put for the first season. Only you need to watch the first season...
It can be hard to get into this anime if you don't approach it from the right angle....
I have absolutely no problem with the main storyline stuff. It's done wonderfully....
The older stuff still has nolstalgic value, but the new stuff isn't bad either
Sometimes the voice acting doesn't seem to fit the characters but other than that...
The title says it all
Great anime over all
5 stares for sure.
It tries to change genres too often.
But it ends far too soon. It is still a good anime, but it's length and ending leave...
This isn't a standard anime in any sense, but it's unique style is one of it's best...
A great anime, as good as the manga
This is the fourth season for this anime, and while I'm all for not fixing what isn't...
The title really says it all.
The transition between one media form to another is never perfect, as I still think...