The series is primarily set in Tokyo, and centers around Ryoma Echizen, a tennis prodigy who attends Seishun Academy (青春学園 Seishun Gakuen?), or Seigaku (青学?) for short, a private school famous for its strong tennis club and talented players. Ryoma quickly defeats numerous upperclassmen shortly after entrance to secure himself a spot as one of the team's regulars. In pursuit of their ultimate goal of winning the National Middle School Tennis Championship, members of the team make new friends while learning and mastering increasingly complex techniques. Ryoma also begins to develop his own style of tennis, and eventually realizes what the sport really means to him.
My fourth time watching the whole entire series already and that includes the national tournament and movies too. This gives me feelings of old times and I get sad every time I watch the last episode. It's THAT good. :) AND let's not forget, so many hotties in here lol!
I think the story is very interesting but the first few eps are kind of hard to get into but keep on watching b/c this anime will blow your socks away. :P