Arata Kangatari (TV) Reviews
Title(s): |
Arata Kangatari
アラタカンガタリ ~革神語~ (Japanese)
革神語~天啟劍神~ (Chinese (Taiwan)) |
Creator: |
Yuu Watase
Genres: |
Age Group: |
Older Children (May contain mild bad language, bloodless violence) |
Vintage: |
April 8, 2013 |
Status: |
Still Airing |
Summary: |
Every 30 years, a new princess is chosen from the Hime family to serve the Hayagami. The time has come again, but over these past years, records state not a single female has been born, save for one, the 15 year old Arata. The only problem is, Arata is actually a male! Forced to disguise himself and take the place of the princess candidate until a formal one can be found, he attends the festival only to witness the current princess, Kokuri-hime, murdered, and his own life is forfeit as well, by the hands of the princess' personal guard, the 12 Shinshou. As he runs for his life, Kannagi of the 12 convinces everyone that Arata is the one who has murdered the princess instead, and now everyone in the Imperial Court is after his head!
We then switch over to Arata, a 15 year old schoolboy from modern Japan who has incredible athletic ability but is plagued by bullies. After the Arata from ancient times runs into a mysterious forest and the Arata from modern times runs into an alleyway, the two mysteriously take each others place. |
Excellent |
3 reviews
38% |
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Average |
4 reviews
50% |
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Arata Kangatari
Overall Rating
Story: 2
Dialogue: 2
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 3
First things first; I have not read the manga, so my rating/review is based solely on this anime. Also, long review is long, and Captain Obvious’s striking yet again.
“Arata Kangatari” is Yuu Watase’s first shounen work, her earlier works having been all shoujo (the classic Fushigi Yuugi counts among her earlier works, as well as e.g. Ayashi no Ceres and Suna no Tiara).
I haven’t yet sat through any of Watase’s earlier works; so I wasn’t really sure what I was in for with “Arata Kangatari”. Nevertheless, the reviews throughout ( read more)
First things first; I have not read the manga, so my rating/review is based solely on this anime. Also, long review is long, and Captain Obvious’s striking yet again.
“Arata Kangatari” is Yuu Watase’s first shounen work, her earlier works having been all shoujo (the classic Fushigi Yuugi counts among her earlier works, as well as e.g. Ayashi no Ceres and Suna no Tiara).
I haven’t yet sat through any of Watase’s earlier works; so I wasn’t really sure what I was in for with “Arata Kangatari”. Nevertheless, the reviews throughout the web were quite positive, and with Watase-sensei’s earlier works, the expectations for this one seemed to be high.
Still, and with all due respect for Watase-sensei; having gotten through “Arata Kangatari” at last, I can safely say that there’s better anime in my book.
That doesn’t mean “Arata Kangatari” is bad per se. In fact, it has quite the potential. Sure enough the basic concept--people from different times, or in this case even worlds, switching places just like that--isn't all that new; but it had enough of a twist to make it interesting. Arata and Hinohara (first is fantasy-world Arata, the latter is the real-world one in case you’ve only read the summary) have entirely different backgrounds and character traits; and both the fantasy and real-world settings are trouble-loaded enough after all. “Arata Kangatari” had some fair potential at the time, and it started out quite good--setting a crazy pace that later on managed to kill all suspense, but at the start was good enough to keep up my attention.
The plot is definitely there, also provides a twist or two (though I’m not saying anything as to how predictable or unpredictable some of those were ^^"), and sticks to its set story quite well--aka doesn’t take a new filler-ish sidetrack every two or three episodes. To me, the two different worlds were also quite interesting; though not entirely new, it’s funny figuring out how they’re connected, and after all, both settings came with their troubles: Hinohara was being bullied… man up, kid (probably easier said than done)… and Arata didn’t only have to cross-dress, now he was even framed for murder and chased. So the fat’s in the fire; and that’s also where the plot problems start.
I really would have liked to see more of both settings. Not like we don’t spend 80% of the time with Hinohara in the fantasy world, but this one simply isn’t fleshed out enough. The minimal background information for understanding what’s going on is there, but not much more. Social structure, politics and history, etc.… none of this actually seems to be there. And while I know it can be quite gruesome having to sit through monologues about the above, it’s necessary to at least see a bit of it all to build a believable world. If you have barely any idea of what the world is like, it’s not funny.
That’s still excusable. Twelve episodes aren’t exactly long; and Hinohara is basically put into the shoes of an escapee--someone who, if they don’t already know, have little chance of firsthand learning about whatever world they may be in. We see even less of fantasy Arata in the real world, yes; but a real-world setting tends to be common knowledge. Also, those moments can be quite funny, and things might not be better if screen time between the two Aratas was actually divided 50:50; the troubles in the fantasy world are somewhat more urgent than those in the real world setting.
Not only the fantasy world seems rather unbelievable to me, though. The plot in itself comes with troubles as well, namely clichés. Some of the twists provided are outright unrealistic (how can someone not notice that two people having absolutely zero in common besides their name, gender, and possibly age just switched places? Not like anyone would expect it, but blaming it on amnesia or outright not noticing at all is just ridiculous). I didn’t really feel a sense of “nice surprise” at anything that happened. And here the pace doesn’t help either, as it somehow manages to be so fast it kills the suspense. Gah.
“Arata Kangatari” has enough potential. Things however get odd if barely any of that potential is unfolded. Even for twelve episodes--rarely enough time for a really good adaption of an action/adventure manga, and I do blame the limited time for many of the shortcomings--I still can’t say I find it to be even a mediocre adaption. The manga is probably more extensive at over 160 chapters by now, but alas, anime is anime.
The characters don’t help, at least not all of them. A couple are rather typical (Hinohara is the wimpy protagonist found in every third or fourth anime; Kotoha is the innocent clingy girl sidekick with healing abilities; and that’s only the most obvious and least spoiler-ish examples). There’s characters with far more potential than them, but the time’s too tight to flesh any of them out, or even explain in grand how they ended up where they are. Hinohara’s wimpy attitude can actually be excused, but many of the fantasy world’s characters are kind of missing a backstory so far.
Where characters aren’t fleshed out well, it’s hard to make them relatable or even believable. Quite a few characters’ reactions, up to sudden changes of heart, I couldn’t really see happening in real life--or at the very least not as fast. The entire conflict between Hinohara and his main antagonist e.g. is far too far-fetched and exaggerated IMHO, but I’d write up a spoiler if I continued this much further. I do like that there is character development, however, even if it’s not much… let’s not be too strict with those twelve episodes.
The dialogue’s not really great either. It tends to involve some comedic moments where fantasy-world Arata is involved, but much of the rest of the time, it’s more clichéd than anything else, and quite predictable with that. Didn’t really help the plot or characters much. I can’t complain about the voice-acting, but that’s that.
The technical aspects are a whole other thing, though. The animation is up-to-date; sure there are a lot of effects, but they look quite cool and colourful, as well as not too out-of-place in a fantasy world; and most of the action isn’t as static as tends to be in fantasy anime. The sound’s decent, the music good at least; the art is clear and colourful, and the character design, where typical at times, is quite appealing at others.
The only thing that really got weird for me in this sense was that Arata and Hinohara look so different nobody in their right mind could possibly mistake them for one another. Chalk it up to viewer-friendliness, but their personalities are already so different they’re impossible to confuse. It’d already be odd if they had e.g. similar hairstyles and clothing and different dialogical quirks, but it’d at least be more believable than this. Oh, and fantasy Arata having to play the cross-dresser gets dropped completely once the switch’s done and over, too. Oh well, never mind.
To be frank, and as might be obvious from the rest of this review, I’m not really sure what to do with this anime. Heck, I wanted to like it; the start didn’t seem too bad; there’s one helluva lot of potential in terms of plot and character development; and the animation is up there and relatively free of bugs. As is, though, I can’t say I like it. The very beginning did pull me in, but soon the plot went along too fast for any more suspense to build; clichés and limited time didn’t help either characters or plot; and where there were quite a couple funny lines in the dialogue, quite a few were just as ridiculous. The mentioned bits of comedy are still entertaining; the art, especially the colouring, is definitely good if not better than that; and the action isn’t too bad either. However, if you ask me, the plot, characters, and dialogue don’t live up to that. Maybe I’m being too strict for twelve eps, but I found myself not caring about this anime at all, which is something that happens rarely to me. If you haven’t read a page of the manga and you can already see the manga outdistancing the anime, you know there’s something wrong; that’s exactly how I felt about “Arata Kangatari”.
If you’re interested, I’d rather recommend taking changes with the manga. Now I’m talking big, not even knowing the manga myself; but it’s at least far longer than the anime; it got good ratings on ANN; and after all, Watase-sensei doesn’t have her fame and fans for nothing. The “Arata Kangatari” manga might actually be good; the anime simply doesn’t do it for me.
PS: Episode 9 is up here, but hidden because of some archive bug. Check the link in the ep 8 see 10 sub-directories. ( show less)
3 out of 3 people found this review helpful.

Arata Kangatari-Not What I Expected
Written by RenjiWu09 on August 13, 2013 at 5:39 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 2
Dialogue: 3
Animation: 4
Entertainment: 3
I read the synopsis and it looked interesting but the truth is I only watched 2 and a half episodes. Why is that? I'll explain. This story has characters that cross into parallel universes, it should be interesting enough right? I couldn't get hooked onto the series because of the main character, Arata. Wait there are two Aratas from two different worlds. One is a highly unconfident Arata and the other is overly brash. The manga was well received I heard but I have not personally read it. So far in the three episodes I have watched, it featured ( read more)
I read the synopsis and it looked interesting but the truth is I only watched 2 and a half episodes. Why is that? I'll explain. This story has characters that cross into parallel universes, it should be interesting enough right? I couldn't get hooked onto the series because of the main character, Arata. Wait there are two Aratas from two different worlds. One is a highly unconfident Arata and the other is overly brash. The manga was well received I heard but I have not personally read it. So far in the three episodes I have watched, it featured the wimpy Arata and he really pisses me off. I'm not a fan of pathetic characters because usually they exhibit slow changes. Arata has reasons to be wimpy because of past bullying and betrayal but for some reason it just didn't resonate with me. I couldn't feel pity for his character. It's more like me shouting at the screen "Do something already! Don't just stop and stare!" The other Arata on the other hand adapts to his environment more easily and is willing to man up to things. Not only do we have a pathetic character, we also have Kotoha who serves as wimpy Arata's more than just a companion. Due to the complicated circumstances or maybe not so complicated, the switching of Aratas isn't noticed in both worlds because they don't realize that there's an Arata wearing a school uniform in a Ainu-like village and an Arata with traditional gear in an urban city. Kotoha will refer to wimpy Arata as Master Arata and continue to believe that the Arata she knew lost his memory rather than disappearing into another reality altogether. Not that smart but then I don't blame her. She's also very clingy to Arata and becomes a bit of a burden. However she does possess a healing ability which kinda makes up for it but I don't really care because authors love making female characters that are innocent and possess healing powers. I'm sure you can name a few for argument's sake.
The animation is ok, not exceptional but not poor. They used effects since this is a fantasy genre and there are special powers like Hayagami. I thought the 12 Shinshou had some cool designs and Yuu Watase's drawings of them looked pretty cool. Other than that, the 12 Shinsou are kind of all asses because they just killed the princess and framed the murder on Arata. Events are fairly predictable making it one of the reasons I decided to drop the series. If you are a big fan of Yuu Watase's works, maybe go ahead. Arata Kangatari is her first shounen series because all of her works so far are shoujo. I'm sure there are viewers that are interested in this type of parallel universe fantasy genre. It just wasn't my cup of tea unfortunately. ( show less)
3 out of 3 people found this review helpful.

Not bad, not really great.
Overall Rating
Story: 3
Dialogue: 3
Animation: 3
Entertainment: 3
This is one of those anime that have a pretty good setup, however in the end result only make me go "meh".
The very beginning of Arata the Legend seemed rather mediocre. We've had tons of anime with modern-era kids going to distant worlds or times, InuYasha probably only being the oldest of which. Then, they began to unfold the background story, the setup, and suddenly I was hooked. The story went at a crazed pace, however it had become interesting... however somewhere during those last 4-5 episodes it lost it again. The storyline is interesting ( read more)
This is one of those anime that have a pretty good setup, however in the end result only make me go "meh".
The very beginning of Arata the Legend seemed rather mediocre. We've had tons of anime with modern-era kids going to distant worlds or times, InuYasha probably only being the oldest of which. Then, they began to unfold the background story, the setup, and suddenly I was hooked. The story went at a crazed pace, however it had become interesting... however somewhere during those last 4-5 episodes it lost it again. The storyline is interesting enough for such an overused setup, with individual goals and problems and whatnot mixed in, still for that, the characters are just too unrelatable. I've seen too little of the otherworldly Arata to really begin to understand him, and the entire conflict between the real-world Arata and his "rival" was just dragged in by the head and shoulders. The dialogue doesn't really help to begin to understand them either, and while the visuals and music are definitely good enough, they aren't exactly helping the characters.
It's kinda a messed-up anime, one I'm not sure whether I can or can't like... I can say it's not average like I thought during the first minutes, and it's definitely not bad, however I can't really say I find it to be good either. It was awesome for a while, however it just lost my attention with the uncovering of the real reason for the "rivalry" of the main protagonist and antagonist.
6/10 from me, however if you don't mind conflicts and stuff being freaking exaggerated, Arata the Legend is probably fresher than you'd think from the setup alone. ( show less)
3 out of 3 people found this review helpful.

Written by hanisa97 on June 1, 2013 at 6:16 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
0 out of 4 people found this review helpful.
myabe just me
Written by jamesliu on May 28, 2013 at 6:05 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 3
Dialogue: 3
Animation: 4
Entertainment: 2
watched first 4 episodes but somehow dont find it that interesting, it's lacking creativity i guess
2 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
It is very intresting am so happy is like a new different animation entirely dat has great graphics with a great story line,people who just saw it,like it immedeaitely,is very intresting pls don't stop doing it.
3 out of 3 people found this review helpful.
Written by dolbie158 on April 9, 2013 at 10:50 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 4
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
I must say i do like the Prince and the Pauper angle they have going on, rather than just a modern era kid going to a distant time or world or an alien or magic being coming to the modern world. I write this having only seen the first episode but it is one I can't wait to see the next episode of.
6 out of 6 people found this review helpful.
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