Reviews by Emperorlelouch0
I love TWOGK series from watching 1st and 2nd season.But recently i completely read...
Its the best anime in this season.Not comedy nor action but tragic.I can guarantee...
This season is all girls season as most of the anime contains mc as girls.This is...
Fairy Tail.The first thing about this is that it's completely hilarious even in the...
This anime is a pure detective anime with a little supernatural events.But its great.Every...
Naruto is a great anime about trust,friendship and emotion.The main series is about...
At first i thought it another psycho anime.Let me say how i felt all the way through....
First thing i am going to say is that Code geass is my best anime.Its story is similar...
I will briefly describe the story without spoiling.
Firstly i would like to say...