The story takes place in the distant future and focuses on a boy named Yuma Tsukumo, the number one bad boy at his school. Something unexpected happens when Ryoga challenges him to a Duel as the mysterious ghost of Astral appears before them, a new legend begins.
Written by holyfuture on December 9, 2012 at 6:22 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 3
Dialogue: 4
Animation: 4
Entertainment: 3
As a big and regular fans for YGO since the 1st tv series, after watching Zexal for a few episodes, you might be abit (or very much) dissapointed cos Yuma seems so....(sigh, you know what right?) but still trying to act like an ACE in card dueling.
The only surprise you can wait for is when Astral came out to help Yuma in his duel and how the outcome will be~ (miracle mostly!)
Other then this, the storyline overall seems very weak and quite...meaningless and really makes you wonder "is this duel/plot really needed since the opponent mostly are just side cast and never appear for the 2nd time!?" when the story should pick up the pace instead of wasting time?
If compare Zexal with 5D's, even 5D's story and dueling is much more exciting and you don't know the outcome till the end, but for Zexal, you can guess the ending most of the time since the only "key card" and "method" is ALMOST the same everytime...
This part is really the lack of "IMPACT!!", which I was hopping to see everytime. and due to the lack of it, it brings down the whole "Entertainment" for the anime and makes it overall quite boring when watching...
But still...hopping to see some surprise before the series ended~
Sometimes, you really hope to see more "Numbers" appearing in the anime~ (if possible....)