The X-Men are a team of elite super-powered mutants gathered by Professor X to protect ordinary humans even as they are persecuted by them. In the wake of the death of one of their own, however, the team has stopped operations for a whole year. Then Professor X receives word of a mutant girl's mysterious disappearance in Japan. Sensing that something larger is afoot, he reassembles the team and sends them to investigate. They uncover a connection between her disappearance and an anti-mutant group known as the U-Men.
Written by ApocalyptoJoe on June 28, 2011 at 1:28 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
Hey idiot, what's wrong with being gay? homophobe are the biggest losers in the world. Look I clicked your name and all I see is reviews from you saying "this anime sucks , watch naruto" you stupid fanboy. Grow up learn to accept the world as it is narrowminded fool.