The X-Men are a team of elite super-powered mutants gathered by Professor X to protect ordinary humans even as they are persecuted by them. In the wake of the death of one of their own, however, the team has stopped operations for a whole year. Then Professor X receives word of a mutant girl's mysterious disappearance in Japan. Sensing that something larger is afoot, he reassembles the team and sends them to investigate. They uncover a connection between her disappearance and an anti-mutant group known as the U-Men.
First of all the story is boring as hell 5 year old kid could think better than this but offcourse this is action anime, so mostly who watch this this specific genre still should enjoy it. It have descent fight scenes combined with detail animation, but lacks everything else.
Personally i think this is Crap, Charachters are dull boring specially was disappointed about Erne char ... not gone spoil because you need to watch yourself to belive it. I only like 2 things animation and action itself.