Set in a family restaurant in Hokkaido, the northern prefecture of Japan, 16 year old high school student Takanashi Souta works part-time along with his strange co-workers: Taneshima Popura, a high school girl who's a year older than Souta who's easily mistaken for a elementary/middle schooler, and Shirafuji Kyoko the 28-year old store manager who doesn't bother to do any work at all.
"Working!!" is an anime of the relaxing type. It doesn't have the best comedy out here but you get sucked into the group and enjoy 'spending time' with them. I really regret that it's only 13 episodes long. I'm sure I could have atleast watched twice that amount.
The story is original. I've never seen anything like it before but it's still a bit slice of life. It's something that could happen to anyone of us to a certain degree. The thing that makes it funny is the characters, everyone of them is bizarre in some way. There might only be one normal character and this anime literally just ignores that person XD
The conversations are good but always a bit what you would expect. The 'main heroine' doesn't get that much lines as one might think (just like she suddenly realises at some point in the series) but the other characters are just as enjoyable.
If you're looking for an easy going anime to get some laughs without all the ecchi or action, this might just be something for you.