Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 4
Animation: 4
Entertainment: 5
The first thing I have to say is that I've always loved characters with green eyes.... but this time it was just too much! I'm not sure but only Luka and Reiga have different colour of eyes, haven't they? ... and hair colours, shape of faces - everything so similar! but animation wasn't so bad, although I rather don't like computer effects in anime. There was not so many either, good for me...
The story wasn't bad, I rated 'excellent', but it's more ' it would be excellent' if they improved it a bit. 24 episodes for such complicated plot! what a joke... if they wanted to do a really good anime they should have done more. 'till the very end Yuki's past is unknown, I'd like to know more! and why Luka was so dedicated to him, or rather 'her' in Yuki previous life.
I didn't like music, not my type.
And I don't like " always protect Yuki" 'cause it was never explained why he is the only hope etc.
But all characters are sympathical, kind and it's easy to get to like them all :) I think that they are maybe too tragical and sad, very positive person for me is Hotsuma, always so lively and all ;) on the other hand I think most of men characters should be more.... manlier. They say too much about love to their partners. Or maybe it's fault of subtitles, "daisuki" means both love and like, I heard :) Whatever :)
To sum up, Uraboku had great potential at the very baginning but its lenght... eh, what a pity. I can't get that, why only 24 eps?! First I wanted to see a story with more battles, blood, but I ended with that emotional stuff... Less battles, but I like them, they're short, but so intense :) Despite of its negative sides, I can't say I regret watching this anime ;)
I would like Yuki to learn how to fight, it'd be amusing view :) His power is also something important, but it'd be interesting that way too ;) oh, I forgot. I love Luka :P and Hotsu ;)