The Legend of Korra is an American animated television series, that premieres on the Nickelodeon television network on April 14, 2012. The series is a sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, which aired on the same network from 2005 to 2008, and is currently set to run for 26 episodes
I don't know if a cartoon is considered anime if it is ONLY made in japan, to me an anime is one that isn't like some of the wacko American cartoons, like sponge bob. An amine is one that portrays real life in a fictional environment, for example themes that wouldn't be expressed to children (ex a mother being shot in front of their child) makes a cartoon anime. When its comes to Korra, this anime feels epic and i look forward to every episode. They portray love, betrayal, fear, and much more also the music score is moving. Episode four for me was one of this series highlights, you just watch it. Based on what I've seen i would rate this a 5 out 5.