In the year 2087, the Earth is under attack from an extraterrestrial enemy known as the Radam. The Radam (Venomoid) are led by armored soldiers known as the Tekkamen (Teknomen). Surrounding the Earth, is a huge orbital ring known as the Space Ring. The Space Ring was constructed well before the arrival of the alien invaders and was the first human structure attacked by them. As the aliens attacked, those that were left either fled or were killed and the Space Ring was abandoned, serving only as a battle ground for the military against the aliens and Tekkaman (Teknoman).
Written by Bad_Boy_Bubby on November 18, 2010 at 2:43 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
Darksaber i have the full episode's of Teknoman but unfortunately are not subbed i also have Tekkaman the Japanese version with all episodes subbed i recently downloaded The Tekkaman 2 OVA Episodes also English subbed.
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