Teenagers (May contain bloody violence, bad language, nudity)
October 8, 2012
Still Airing
The school romantic comedy revolves around a second-year high school student named Sorata Kanda who lives in Sakurasou, the dormitory for problem children at Sorata's school. One day, Mashiro Shiina —a cute girl who happens to be also a cosmopolitan, brilliant artist— moves into Sakurasou.
Sorata thinks to himself that he should protect Mashiro from the weirdos at Sakurasou, but Mashiro has a surprising secret: she has no idea how to take care of herself. She gets lost if she goes out, and her room is a complete mess. Sorata's dorm mates designate him as the "master" of Mashiro, and thus, an ordinary boy and a brilliant girl must live like "a master and his pet."
Superb Story,
Direct Dialogues,
Amazing Animations,
Eternal Entertainment!
This anime technically defines love & life, and the way people are binded towards these two aspects.
With a splendid storyline and romantic comedy which never fails to make you laugh. Watching it would be the best idea I can give.