The story revolves around a high school girl named Fujioka Haruhi (Kawaguchi) at the prestigious Ouran Academy, who stumbles upon a group of male students who have formed their own club as hosts. Accidentally breaking an antique vase, Haruhi ends up owing the club a vast amount of money, and she ends up posing as a host in order to repay her debt.
i'm a big ouran fan...of the anime version! wen i first watched the first ep of this live-action drama, i was like, "WTF HAVE THEY DONE TO TAMAKI?? " they have KILLED him. i cannot describe how upset i was to see this actor(whoever he is) acting like Tamaki n ruinin zat most special character on ouran! i now knw why people like Suou more zan Tamaki in the live-action drama... that's bkoz he is really more cool zan Tamaki in the Live-action drama! what happened to zat Tamaki whom i used to cherish so much? and WTF? suou with Haruhi? geez!!! Haruhi and Tamaki were meant for each other... zen why are all the people watchin the live-action drama youpiing abt Suou and Haruhi?? God... why???? I want my Tamaki BACK!