The series, set in Saitama, follows Ren Mihashi, who had previously excelled as his middle school baseball team's ace pitcher, due to his grandfather's connections as its manager. As he graduates to high school, whose baseball team his grandfather does not manage, he initially does not believe he is good enough to succeed at baseball, however, but assisted by his friends, he grows in stature, confidence and skill, helping his team excel with his own ability.
Not a big fan of sports but something about this series got me hooked for more. So if you're like me who has no fixation on sports and focus more on story telling, then this is probably a good one to check out.
I also liked the way they built each character that is shown even the opposing team gets a bit of scene time. The way they do it is during an actual game which waste no time in progressing the story. A good bulk of the development is told through the inner thoughts of each character and of course the perception of others.
If I remember correctly a good bulk of the series revolves around one game which is fine in my book. They really dissected the strategies of baseball so no worries if you have no clue about the game, you'll be informed along the way.
This series has a unique animation which makes it look a bit old but also fresh.
The opening and ending is pretty catchy and meshes well. The music that is also used during the series helps build certain moments which created a nice atmosphere that your watching an actual game. I say give it a goal if you want something different.