The series, set in Saitama, follows Ren Mihashi, who had previously excelled as his middle school baseball team's ace pitcher, due to his grandfather's connections as its manager. As he graduates to high school, whose baseball team his grandfather does not manage, he initially does not believe he is good enough to succeed at baseball, however, but assisted by his friends, he grows in stature, confidence and skill, helping his team excel with his own ability.
Written by darkallances on July 19, 2010 at 5:47 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 4
Dialogue: 4
Animation: 4
Entertainment: 4
So this first season really did not do much, they set the stage for a very good extended series though. First half was them forming the team, getting organized, setting plot, an training. Second half was there first game...So not alot happend. But I am looking forward to this as they really set a good standard for each season to come.