The story revolves around Maya - The daughter of the Former head Master of a private Japanese academy dedicated to the study of the occult who died in 1999, and a time traveling agent Uchida a mysterious young man who travels back in time from 2012
This story revolves around a girl named Maya and a time-traveling agent named Uchida. Maya is the daughter of the former headmaster, who passed away in 1999, of a private Japanese academy dedicated to the study of the occult, and Uchida is a mysterious young man who has traveled back in time from 2012.
Written by pleth0ra on November 22, 2010 at 6:23 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
This my second anime that I've watched that was done by A-1 Pictures, the other being Working!! (which you should check it out). The story Occult Academy is by far the selling point. It has a mystery detective feel to it and as it unfolds its very unpredictable. The dialogue is done very well and the voice actors are good fits to each character in the show. As for the animation and the entertainment value, they are extremely high, especially during the last few episodes. Its a real short anime series which is good so you can watch through it rather quickly also it has a lotta humor within it as well.