The story revolves around Maya - The daughter of the Former head Master of a private Japanese academy dedicated to the study of the occult who died in 1999, and a time traveling agent Uchida a mysterious young man who travels back in time from 2012
This story revolves around a girl named Maya and a time-traveling agent named Uchida. Maya is the daughter of the former headmaster, who passed away in 1999, of a private Japanese academy dedicated to the study of the occult, and Uchida is a mysterious young man who has traveled back in time from 2012.
Written by tsevil on September 17, 2010 at 11:34 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
Hilarious. It really isn't often that an anime makes me actually laugh out loud. This achieved that on the first episode. Though I was really tired at the time. Regardless, I'm five episodes in and haven't been disappointed yet. That gets this an excellent ranking