I try to look at this as what it is. And that is a silly low-key spin-off of Naruto Shippuden featuring Rock Lee as the main character instead in a chibi-style. There definitely were some clever and funny jokes in there(mostly of the breaking-the-fourth-wall kind, which I love) but there was also some repetitiveness like with the joke about him almost stepping in dog poo six thousand times. It was barely even funny the first time and the following times it was just grating. And they really wanted to hammer home that Rock Lee cant use ninjutus, I mean what kind of target audience are they expecting? Obviously the regular Naruto fans are going to want to at least check this out, but it seems like they want to rope in a younger audience that has never even heard of Naruto as well. I just dont see the goal of this show. Lets hope it doesnt take away too much budget from the main Naruto show, but from the looks of the animation, I think its safe to say it wont.
PS: For those who care to know this whole idea was probably spun out of the short comedic sketches with a similar name at the end of recent Naruto Shippuden episodes. So this thing didnt just come out of the blue.