This film is about the daily lives of the Yamada family: Takashi and Matsuko (the father and mother), Shige (Matsuko’s mother), Noboru (aged approximately 13, the son), Nonoko (aged approximately 5, the daughter), and Pochi (the family dog). It has a significantly different “feel” to it than the other Studio Ghibli films, not only because of its different style of animation, but also because it is not a contiguous plot, but rather a series of vignettes, each preceded by a title such as “Father as Role Model”, “A Family Torn Apart” or “Patriarchal Supremacy Restored”.
Although the graphic is average (yet unique n nice to watch, meant to be that way i suppose), this animated movie is entertaining to watch especially for adults. The plot resembles that of Atashinchi and a little bit of Shinchan, where it tells about the ups and downs of a typical daily routine of a Japanese family.