The story revolves around Takumi Tsuzuki, a boy who lives with his older "sister" Otome, although the two have no blood ties between them. Otome manages a run-down confectionary store called Stray Cats. One day, Otome picks up a mysterious beautiful girl off the streets.
Story (3/5) : The story is classic. You have the childhood friend orphelin female characters who has love feeling for the lead but has to "compete" with 2 (or 3?) more female who has the typical violent/angry/protective attitude towards the male and the another female. The show is ruined further more because of the pointless parody episodes.
Dialogue (3/5) : Typical dialogue
Animation (5/5) : The only reason I watch this show is for the awesome animation.
Entertainment (3/5) : If they didn't add the stupid parody episode, I would have rated this part higher.