This story teakes place in the Edo era where Yasuri Shichika is the seventh head of the Kyotou school of Japanese sword martial arts living in Fushou Island with his sister Nanami. With the order from a female samurai general Togame, he sets out for a trip to collect the twelve treasured swords created by a legendary swordsmith Shikizaki Kiki.
Written by pincheez on August 11, 2010 at 12:15 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
This is a good series, and I'm thoroughly enjoying the episodes that come out every month or so. They are quite long but it is well needed for such an intense story that is so action packed. the animation is very original and quite beautiful I must say, and is fast paced at times of fight scene which is really invigorating and well executed. This series is a must see for anyone - I must say, there is romance, comedy, thrill, adventure and gore all inter-wined throughout this series so far. I quite enjoy it and I hope you do!