This story teakes place in the Edo era where Yasuri Shichika is the seventh head of the Kyotou school of Japanese sword martial arts living in Fushou Island with his sister Nanami. With the order from a female samurai general Togame, he sets out for a trip to collect the twelve treasured swords created by a legendary swordsmith Shikizaki Kiki.
Written by 1357AnimeGurl on July 27, 2011 at 12:41 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 4
Entertainment: 5
The first thing that I noticed with this anime is the animation...The characters seem so simple but then there come the fight scenes that totally shame alot of popular anime. YES they are THAT good.
The story is alittle hard to understand for me at first but then again when the anime is this entertaining and awsome you don't realy sweat the small stuff.
Dialogue is comical and serious depending on what's happening in the story, but I will admit it isn't one of those lame animes where they try to be funny when it isn't really called for.
Rate wise? An anime that shouldn't be overlooked, definately not.