This story teakes place in the Edo era where Yasuri Shichika is the seventh head of the Kyotou school of Japanese sword martial arts living in Fushou Island with his sister Nanami. With the order from a female samurai general Togame, he sets out for a trip to collect the twelve treasured swords created by a legendary swordsmith Shikizaki Kiki.
A friend of mine recommended this anime to me and its a great piece of work. Each episode is about 50 minutes long so it can be a rather lengthy watch if you plan on marathoning it ha. My review is only 4 episodes in so there can be a chance that it can change after I complete this series.
Story: Just like the synopsis says, they are gathering 12 different swords. So far there hasn't been any plot twists or anything like that. I assume those will be saved for later episodes as the story further develops.
Dialogue: This anime is very dialogue heavy. I would say about 30 minutes of each episode is dialogue, however the dialogue is very very excellent. Each character feels real and is very believable. Also I'm not sure if this show was a manga or anything before but it seems like they throw some jokes in there about characters appearing later and stuff like that.
Animation: The animation can be a little off putting at first, mainly with the character animation. As far as the character animation goes, the characters are not as detailed as other anime that came out last year. Although despite the lack in character animation, it's made up for in the background and scenery. It is simply gorgeous!!! The amount of detail in some of the backgrounds is simply stunning.
Entertainment: With all the funny dialogue, the in-depth character development, and the fight scenes Katanagatari is easily entertaining.