The story of "love, magic, and battles" revolves around Akuto Sai, a boy who aims to become part of his country's highest order of magicians and contribute to society. On the day he is admitted into the Constant Magical Academy, his aptitude test predicts the following: "Future Occupation … Devil King." Thus begins his difficult school life in which he is resented by his studious female class head, desired by a girl with mysterious powers, and guarded by a beautiful female android.
Written by blinkboy211 on November 11, 2010 at 9:39 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 4
Dialogue: 4
Animation: 4
Entertainment: 4
This was a really good anime, but it felt like it didn't reach the potential that it could have obtained. I felt like it could have been so much better and gone on maybe a little longer, and keeping its enjoyment through out. It gets a 4 cause we only are basing it off the 4 categories, but with the way it ended, and the times it did confuse you I just felt maybe 4 is slightly to generous for an anime that had potential to be a 5.