The series begins with a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku befriending a teenage girl named Bulma. Together, they go on a quest to find the seven Dragon Balls. Goku later undergoes rigorous training regimes and educational programs under the martial artist Master Roshi in order to fight in the World Martial Arts Tournament, a competition involving the most powerful fighters in the world. Outside the tournaments, Goku faces diverse villains such as Emperor Pilaf, the Red Ribbon Army, and the Namekian Piccolo Daimao. Several of the enemies and rivals Goku encounters eventually become his allies and close friends, including the desert bandit Yamcha, his martial arts classmate Krillin, the assassin Tien Shinhan, the samurai Yajirobe, and Piccolo Daimao's offspring/reincarnation Piccolo Jr.
Great anime that's often forgotten because of DBZ's fame
Written by -Apocalypse- on June 10, 2012 at 3:36 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 4
Entertainment: 5
It's good to see how Goku started off, back when all the characters mattered and there was a storyline beyond "Bad guy shows up, everyone searches for dragonballs to revive goku who beats them at the cost of his own life. Then another bad guy shows up."
I'm amazed at how badly the people that dubbed this anime screwed it up!
The original jap version is probably the funniest anime i've seen so far! It makes me wonder how much better DBZ could have been if not tainted by westerner's hands. Thank you Chetanspy007 for uploading episodes 1 - 70 with english subs, but can anyone upload the remaining 83 episodes with subs?
Thank you