A few years after the adventures of the Digidestined in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaizer, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Digidestined Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor.
This was a very good continuation of the first season. New characters, new Digimon, Takeru (TK) and Hikari (Kari) grown up (lol) and the Armor-Evolution was a pretty good idea. Still, the storyline could have been a little better. The reason is that in the mid episodes (24-30) there wasn't any major villain, just Archenmon (Arukenimon) creating Adult (Champion) and Perfect (Ultimate) Digimon who the new Adult-levels and Paildramon beat up. When BlackWarGreymon appeared, though, the series became more interesting. The part with Demon (Daemon) could have been a little longer, he was beat in 4 episodes. Still great season though...