Seven kids are transported to the Digital World, a strange place where digital creatures called "Digimon" reside. A group of Digimon soon befriend them and keep the kids out of harm's way. The children then become the Digidestined, or Chosen Children, which protect the Digital World from evil Digimon like Devilmon and Myotismon.
Written by EowenCerise on September 17, 2011 at 2:26 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
So, this anime, along with the first season of pokemon, was the first I ever watched, and I´ve always loved it. When I was younger I used to run home from school, just to be home in time to watch. I love the fact that all characters have a back story, that´s not there just "to be there". It actually means something and I can find little to no plot holes. Even if you consider yourself "grown-up and soooooo mature", digimon is always a must-watch. At least the first season, the others are a different story...