The story revolves around Hiroshi Inaba, a private detective, and part-wolf-part-human being who was created artificially. Hiroshi runs his own detective agency and solves cases with the help of his cross-dressing secretary Yuuta, and Kei, a "relatively normal" teenager. The plot centres on Hiroshi and the gang trying to arrest his arch-nemesis Don Valentino, a mastermind goat with a taste for money (literally).
It's one of the funniest anime series I've seen. It's very fresh, free of cliches, free of head whacking! :D It's super silly and unpredictable. I can never guess the outcome. It's cute too.
Love the characters, especially Yuuta and Inaba's brother, but all of them are fun and loveable. I recommend this series to anyone who feels like watching comedy. Never failes to lighten my mood.