The story revolves around Hiroshi Inaba, a private detective, and part-wolf-part-human being who was created artificially. Hiroshi runs his own detective agency and solves cases with the help of his cross-dressing secretary Yuuta, and Kei, a "relatively normal" teenager. The plot centres on Hiroshi and the gang trying to arrest his arch-nemesis Don Valentino, a mastermind goat with a taste for money (literally).
Written by shangkai16 on January 20, 2013 at 2:59 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
If you like SKET DANCE then you might acctually enjoy this. the characters are almost similar. The comedy is the strongest point in this anime for my opinion. you wont regret it if you watch this. the 1st episode is already nice.