Thirteen-year-old Tyson Granger (Takao Kinomiya), along with his fellow teammates, Kai Hiwatari, Max Tate (Max Mizuhura), and Ray Kon (Rei Kon), strive to become the greatest beybladers in the world. With the technical help of the team's resident genius, Kenny (Kyouju), and with the powerful strength of their bit beasts, the Bladebreakers armed with their tops (AKA: blades) attempt to reach their goal.
Written by prashant_1920 on August 12, 2011 at 3:06 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 3
Entertainment: 4
Though this bey blade is old it is still quite awesome the characters the battles the stroyline everything is near perfect i would like to congrulate the creator of this anime and hope everbody enjoyss this.