The story follows the "strongest juvenile delinquent", Oga Tatsumi, a first year in "Ishiyama High" the school for delinquents. One day while sleeping next to a river he sees a man floating down it, he pulls him to shore and the man splits in half revealing a baby boy. This boy is the son of the demon king and he has been chosen as the one to raise it with the baby's demon maid Hilda. The story follows his life with the child and at the delinquent school.
Just as my title said, at the beginning of this anime, I'm quite annoyed with baby Beel because of the non-stop crying and electric shock stuff. At first it was funny, but after 3 times.. It got old. then again, the story get better and I admit it, because of this I have a good laugh every week.
this anime also include good fighting scene, not too violent and not too boring, which I like. I also love the fact that the girls characters are not too girly and I do like their Kick-ass attitudes. it's just awesome!!!!