The story centers around Kio Kakazu , a high school freshman living in Okinawa. During a memorial service for one of his family ancestors. A mysterious girl with cat ears appears before him indroducing herself as Eris and claiming that she is an alien. However She be more troubling than he first realizes.
The story so far seems like it was just thrown out there. At the same time it is rather interesting, especially how the people react to each other. The dialogue was excellent, each character seemed to express their personalities better than most anime that I have seen. The animation is awesome, detailed, 3D in some events. It is entertaining in a sense (especially how one describes the other's hobby). What I truly find interesting is how the characters took to Eris (alien/cat/human?) rather easily. Normally, you would think that you would react differently but not in this case. In any case, I LOVE IT, especially Eris. I like the way the character is drawn, her character, her voice, everything.