In a continuation of the last series, Akari Mizunashi continues her job as a gondolier along with her friends from the other two rival companies, Aika and Alice. As they continue their training to become Undines, they continue to meet new people and partake on mysterious adventures, all in the quiet, scenic, and peaceful city of Neo Venezia.
Written by fantasyfreak-1 on September 15, 2012 at 12:05 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 3
Dialogue: 3
Animation: 4
Entertainment: 3
As the sequel this show continues at roughly the same pace as the original, although it suffers from being 26 episodes because of said pace. It probably would have felt better as a second and third season of the original instead of a new series. Character designs have improved this time around and look a lot smoother now, and the backgrounds are just as amazing as in the first show(if not perhaps even more). We learn more about Aqua and its customs and traditions though the undines meeting new people and discovering new areaos of Neo Venezia(one of the few perks with this anime being longer than the original). We also see some backstory skillfully woven into the narrative without breaking up the pace of the daily life of our main characters. Speaking of our main characters, they have unfortunately kept their annoying one liners from the first series which is something I had hoped they would have scrapped this time around. Another noticeable thing compared to the first series is that there are quite a few more episodes with these bizarre dream like adventures featuring the cats of this show. They add some entertaining quirkiness to the show, although it might annoy some who want the show to be more realistic. Overall a fairly decent follow up though I really hope they do something about the dialogue. Their one liners can be cute and charming but only in small doses, not too often.