In the original manga’s story, Fumi and Akira were close childhood friends until Fumi had to move away. Ten years after losing touch with each other, the two girls meet again as high school freshmen. The two struggle to reconnect after so much has changed, and both deal with the trials and tribulations of high school — sometimes independently and sometimes with each other’s help.
Written by kuchipachi on November 6, 2011 at 8:46 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 3
Dialogue: 4
Animation: 3
Entertainment: 3
i just finished it and it keeps me hanging.. i can't understand why the ending is just like that. so confusing. all the characters are not sure with their feelings.
on the other hand, this is definitely a yuri anime, but this is not the typical yuri we know. it makes me feel that this anime was actually a true to life story. for me the plot itself could really happen during these days with all those confusing feelings. well, this will not be a good anime if you're not into slow love story because it will not bring you somewhere.