The story revolves around the everyday life of four high school girls: the flighty Run, the reckless Tooru, the timid Yuuko, and the level-headed Nagi.
When watching this show, I probably laughed my head off a couple times. I'm usually not one who laughs a lot so I guess me watching this came as a bit of a surprise, but none the less it was entertaining. If you're looking for something with a plot development or something deep and serious, this is not the show to watch. On the other hand, if you're looking for a show to just make you laugh when you need to, this show does help. It is somewhat cliché at times and the characters aren't the most original, but all in all it isn't bad. It doesn't really matter who watches this show either since it contains nothing particularly sketchy or wrong. So I do recommend you watch this show when you just need a good laugh at times.